Title: Galvanize
Credits: Code: Virgill
Music: Virgill
Type: 8K Intro
1st at Nordlicht 2014 Demo competition
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Title: Particanomaly
Cooperation with BluFlame & Stroboholics

Credits: Code: Cupe Las xTr1m
Music: Virgill
Nordlicht 2014 Demo competition
Type: Intro
Download: POUET
Title: Retroarch Advertro
Cooperation with Mudlord

Credits: Code: Mudlord
Graphics: Mudlord
Music: Keito
Type: 64K Intro
Download: POUET
Title: Shambala
Credits: Code: Digi
Graphics: Acryl, Digi
Music: Keito
Type: Javascript Demo
6th at Revision 2014 Demo competition
Download: POUET
Title: Oh ha ppeehh
Credits: Code: T$
Type: OHP Demo
1st at Bünzli 2012 OHP competition
Download: POUET
Title: 70s
Credits: Code: Digi
Graphics: Noogman, Mr. Coke, s7ing
Music: Keito
Type: Javascript Demo
1st at Evoke 2012 Demo competition
Download: POUET
Title: Radiotherapy
Cooperation with Scoopex

Credits: Code: Digi
Graphics: Noogman, Peach, Wade, Core
Music: Keito
Type: Javascript Demo
1st at Revision 2012 Web Demo competition
Download: POUET
Title: Composed Dreams
Cooperation with The One Man Group

Credits: Code: T$
Graphics: Peach
Music: OMG
Type: Musicdisk
7th at TUM 2011 PC demo competition
Download: POUET
Title: Blossom
Credits: Code: Mop
Graphics: Dic4b, Matthew
Music: Christoph
Type: Game
Download: POUET
Title: MudiaArt #4 (2009 Edition)
Credits: Code: T$
Graphics: Wade, Noogman, Peach, KB^Bitfellas
Editors: s7ing, AlphaC
Type: Art Magazin
Download: POUET
Title: Azathioprine
Credits: Code: Digi
Graphics: Acryl, Peach, Critikill, H8jja
Music: Keito
Type: Javascript Demo
2nd at Evoke 2011 wild demo competition
Download: POUET
Title: Recycle 4000
Cooperation with Stroboholics

Credits: Code: Gopher, Las
Music: pOWL
Type: 4k intro
4th at Evoke 2011 4k intro competition
Download: POUET
Title: Uncovering Static
Cooperation with Fairlight

Credits: Code: Smash, Gopher
Music: Reed
Type: 64k intro
2nd at Assembly 2011 demo competition
Download: POUET
Title: Light Rythm
Cooperation with Rebels

Credits: Code: Stan
Music: pOWL
Type: 4k intro
1st at Evoke 2010 4k intro competition
Download: POUET
Title: Winne Tour

Credits: Code: T$
Music: Moya
Type: OHP Demo
2nd at Buenzli 2010 OHP Demo competition
Download: POUET
Title: Fan_tastic
Cooperation with Rebels

Credits: Code: Stan
Music: pOWL
Type: 4k intro
4th at Breakpoint 2010 4k intro competition
Download: POUET
Title: Rudebox
Credits: Code & Visuals: Gopher
Music & Design: pOWL
Type: 4k intro
1st at MAIN 2009 combined 4k intro competition
Download: POUET
Get the Flash Player to see this player. Title: MAIN#4 Invitation
Cooperation with TRSI

Credits: Code: Gopher
Music: w.o.t.w
Graphics: H2o
Type: Invitation Demo
Download: POUET
Title: Discoact
Credits: Code & Music: Bugg
Type: 4k intro
2nd at Sundown 2009 combined 64k/4k intro competition
Download: POUET
Title: Mondrian
Credits: Code: T$
Music: pOWL
Type: 4k intro
2nd at Riverwash 2009 PC 4k intro competition
Download: POUET
Title: Big Business
Credits: Code: T$
Music: Moya
Type: OHP Demo
3rd at Buenzli 2009 OHP Competition
Download: POUET
Title: Glutamat
Credits: Code: Gopher
Type: 1k Intro
4th at Evoke 2009 4k intro competition
Download: POUET
Title: 4klang Software Synthesizer
Credits: Code: Gopher
Type: Demotool
Download: 4klang homepage | POUET
Title: Breakpoint 2009 Party Slideshow
Credits: Code: S7ing
Graphics: Dic4b, Sayris, Peach
Music: Keito
Type: Slideshow
Download: POUET
Title: Intro machine
Credits: Code: Nystep
Type: 1k intro
Download: POUET
Title: Cardomania
Credits: Code: T$
Music: -pOWL!
Synth: Gopher
Type: 4k intro
2nd at 0a000h 2008
Download: POUET
Title: Mudia Art #03
Credits: Code: T$
Graphics: Wade
Main music: Keito
Editors: s7ing, Mop
Type: Art Magazine
Download: POUET
Title: Jailhouse Voices
Credits: Code: Mop
Graphics: Wade
Music: Keito, Virgill, Jogeir, Cons
Type: Musicdisk
Download: POUET
Get the Flash Player to see this player. Title: Kevinspacy

Credits: Code: Gopher
Music: -pOWL!
Type: 4k intro
Rank: 8th at NVScene 2008
Download: POUET
Get the Flash Player to see this player. Title: Realtime Generation
Cooperation with Fairlight, ASD
Credits: Code: Smash/Fairlight
Graphics: Smash/Fairlight, Navis/ASD
Music: KEiTO
Type: Invitation
Rank: 3rd at Outline 2008 combined demo/intro competition
Download: POUET
Get the Flash Player to see this player. Title: 20
Credits: Code: Gopher
Music: -pOWL!
Type: 4k intro
Rank: 4th at Breakpoint 2008 4k intro competition
Download: POUET
Title: Mudia Art #02
Credits: Code: T$
Graphics: Noogman, Critikill/Brainstorm
Editors: s7ing, Mop
Type: Art Magazine
Download: POUET
Get the Flash Player to see this player. Title: Fusion
Credits: Code: Gopher
Music: -pOWL!
Type: 4k intro
Rank: 3rd at Evoke 2007 4k intro competition
Download: POUET
Title: Mudia Art #01
Credits: Code: T$
Graphics: Noogman
Editor: s7ing
Type: Art Magazine
Download: POUET
Get the Flash Player to see this player. Title: Horde 2007 Invitation
Credits: Code: Gopher
Music: -pOWL!
Type: 4k invtro
Download: POUET
Get the Flash Player to see this player. Title: Sprite-O-Mat
Credits: Code, Music: Gopher
Type: 4k intro
Rank: 1st at Breakpoint 2007 4k intro competition
Download: POUET
Get the Flash Player to see this player. Title: Cyberlogic
Cooperation with TRSI Records
Credits: Code: Poseidon, Quedex
Music: Archangel, Nightshade / Crusaders
Graphics: A-Tom, Lazur, 2Sign, Bridgeclaw, GS, Viola Bros., Pigment, Lukas A.
Type: Demo
Rank: 7th at The Party 95 demo competition
Download: POUET
Title: Compass
Credits: Editors: Disney, Mop
Type: Diskmag
Download: POUET
Title: Ilyad
Credits: Code: Hornet, Shagan / Asphyxia Design
Music: Zoltar
Graphics: PGCS, Cookie / Asphyxia Design
Type: Demo
Rank: 4th at Assembly 1994 demo competition
Download: POUET
Get the Flash Player to see this player. Title: The Samurai
Credits: Code: Orbit
Music: EC-Rider
Graphics: Iluvatar, Control
Type: Intro
Rank: 3rd at 680xx Convention demo competition
Download: POUET
Get the Flash Player to see this player. Title: 60k Intro
Credits: Code: Orbit
Music: Homicide
Graphics: Alex / Dreamdealers
Type: Intro
Rank: 1st at Cebit 93 intro competition
Download: DOWNLOAD ( LHA Archive )
Title: Stop Fascism
Cooperation with Interactive
Credits: Code: Mad Butcher
Music: Lizardking
Graphics: Doolittle / Interactive
Type: Demo
Download: POUET
Title: Memorial Songs
Credits: Code: Calipso / Mauve, Colorbird / Scoopex
Music: Lizardking
Graphics: Tony, Duel
Type: Musicdisk
Download: POUET
Title: Crunch-o-matic
Credits: Code: Bros
Music: Lizardking
Type: Intro
Download: POUET
Title: Peanuts September 1993 Issue
Credits: Code: Disney
Music: Brainbug
Graphics: Iluvatar
Type: Packmag
Download: POUET
Title: McDisk #5
Credits: Code: Quedex, Mad Butcher
Music: Lizardking
Graphics: Iluvatar, Alex, Tony, Doolittle / Interactive
Editors: Mad Butcher, Head, Cybersonic, Control, Mop
Type: Diskmag
Download: POUET
Title: Peanuts #3
Credits: Code: Disney
Music: Brainbug
Graphics: Iluvatar
Type: Packmag
Download: POUET
Title: McDisk #4
Credits: Code: Jackie D., Mission, Mad Butcher
Music: Mel'o'dee / Shining. Brainbug
Graphics: Iluvatar ,Tom Cooper, Fox, Alex, Doolittle / Interactive
Type: Diskmag
Download: POUET
Title: Museum
Credits: Code: Quedex
Music: Brainbug
Graphics: Iluvatar ,PGCS, Alex, Fox
Type: Slideshow
Download: POUET
Get the Flash Player to see this player. Title: Odyssey
Credits: Code: Hornet
Music: Greg
Graphics: PGCS
Sfx: Zoltar
Type: Demo
Rank: 1st at The Party 1991 demo competition
Download: POUET
Title: More than music
Credits: Code: Hornet
Music: Moby
Graphics: PGCS
Type: Musicdisk
Download: POUET
Title: I've got the power
Credits: Code: Hornet
Music: Burgame, Greg
Graphics: PGCS, Fox
Type: Musicdisk
Download: POUET
Title: Panic - Voices of energy
Credits: Code: Hornet
Music: Hellraiser
Graphics: PGCS, Fox
Type: Musicdisk
Download: POUET
Title: Members
Credits: Code: Orbit, Gothic
Music: Lizzardking
Graphics: Tom Cooper, Anex / Rebels
Type: Membertro
Download: POUET
Title: Megademo 4 - Devil's Key
Credits: Code: Hornet, Metalwar, Skyman, Bros, Nifty Nit
Music: Moonraker, Greg, Moby
Graphics: PGCS
Type: Megademo
Download: POUET
Title: Megademo 3
Credits: Code: Metalwar, Dark Blitter, Elm, Tin, TDK
Music: Ironcat, Metalwar, Moonraker, Fred
Graphics: PGCS
Type: Megademo
Download: POUET
Title: Megademo 2
Credits: Code: Metalwar, Zodiac, Dark Blitter
Music: Metalwar, Elm
Graphics: Ironhawk, PGCS, Metalwar
Type: Megademo
Download: POUET
Title: Megademo 1
Credits: Code: Metalwar
Music: Mr. Last, Metalwar
Graphics: PGCS, Ironhawk
Type: Megademo
Download: POUET
Title: Motley crue team is now alcatraz
Credits: Code: Metalwar
Music: Metalwar
Graphics: Helix
Type: Intro
Download: POUET
© 2008 Alcatraz | Design by H2o/TRSi^Rebels